
financial bookkeeping tips for contractors

Evaluating Rolling Budgets for Small Business

Deciding the best way to do your budget for the year is a process that will affect how much financial information you have at your fingertips. Many companies are beginning to set up rolling budgets to give them a better forecast of the year ahead. Here is the how and why to set up a rolling budget for your small business.  What Is a Rolling Budget, Anyway? A rolling budget is a budget that is calculated to always include the upcoming year. Read More 

What Roles Do Bookkeepers And Accountants Play In Small Business?

If you need to seek out some financial support for your business, you may be wondering whether it's best to seek out an accountant or bookkeeper. Both of these professionals can play a role in small business, so read on to find out what the major differences are.  What Bookkeepers Do Bookkeepers play a role in the operational side of your business finances. They are the people to turn to if you need help with keeping your bank statements up to date, reconciling credit card bills, sending out invoices and accepting payments, and other related tasks. Read More 

Meeting The Challenge – A 5 Step Financial Guide For Parents Of A Child With Special Needs

Planning for your financial future when you have children is important, but when one of those children has special needs, it becomes vital. Both before and after you pass away, there are a few key preparations to make in order to ensure your child has what they need as they grow up. Here is a primer to the 5 most important elements of your financial parenting plan. Learn about Costs. As soon as you learn about your child's special situation, it's a good time to begin educating yourself about his or her future requirements. Read More 

Brotherly Love – How Caring For A Disabled Sibling Affects Your Taxes

If you are taking on the care and responsibility for a disabled or special needs sibling, caring for your finances as well can be complicated. One thing that can help tremendously is understanding how your sibling (or other disabled family member) can help reduce your taxes and increase your bottom line. Here is a handy guide. Qualification. For the purposes of claiming most tax benefits of caring for a disabled person, you will need to have certification from a doctor that your family member is permanently and totally disabled. Read More 

4 Reasons You Need A Certified Public Accountant

Being a business owner is certain to bring about a lot of responsibilities for you. There are numerous things that must get done on a routine basis. One of the most important aspects of your company is the financial one. Regardless if you're dealing with the day-to-day operations of your business or other changes, you may need to rely on the expertise of a certified public accountant (CPA). By knowing some of the crucial times to hire a CPA, this may better prepare you to do so. Read More 

About Me

financial bookkeeping tips for contractors

As a renovation contractor, I have a lot of things to worry about each day. I have to think about my customers, my business, the insurance I need and even the employees that I have working for me. All of these things keep me busy enough without having to worry about keeping up with my financial bookkeeping each day. How do you keep up with the financial bookkeeping so that you don't make any errors that could cost you a whole lot of money? I have worked with my accountant to develop a process that has helped me and I have shared the tips he has taught me right here on my blog to help you.

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